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Retroactive Withdrawal Appeals

Please note: Staff are not permitted to discuss any aspect of a student’s retroactive withdrawal or status at the University with anyone outside of the University or with anyone who is not the student (i.e. family member, friend, guardian, etc.) unless a formal FERPA release of information is on file.

In order to be eligible for a retroactive withdrawal, a student must demonstrate satisfactory evidence that they have incurred one of the following that impacted the semester from which they are requesting to withdraw from:

  1. A serious injury or illness;
  2. Serious personal or family problems;
  3. Serious financial difficulties; or
  4. Permanent disability verified by the Disability Resource Center and diagnosed after the semester for which the withdrawal is requested.

Completed applications – including all required attachments – must be received within two years from the last day of classes of the semester from which withdrawal is requested AND prior to graduation (note: a student’s status in a course cannot be changed after graduation). Two years is defined as two consecutive periods of 365 days (or 366 if leap year) from the last day of classes for the semester for which the withdrawal is requested. 

For request to withdraw from: Last day of classes for that semester: Completed application submission deadline:
Fall 2021 December 8, 2021 November 24, 2023
Spring 2022 April 27, 2022 May 5, 2024
Fall 2022 December 7, 2022 December 8, 2024
Spring 2023 April 26, 2023 April 27, 2025
Fall 2023 December 6, 2023 December 7, 2025
Spring 2024 April 24, 2023 April 26, 2026

Consulting with College Contacts

Students should consult with the retroactive withdrawal contact person from the college of their primary major. These individuals are there to help answer questions and ensure students are providing appropriate materials for an appeal.

View College Contacts

College Contact Person Email
Agriculture, Food and Environment Carmen Agouridis
Arts and Sciences Jesse Hedge
Business and Economics Alexis Allen
Communication and Information Suanne Early
Dentistry Emily Winfrey
Design Elizabeth (Liz) Swanson
Education Nate Hibbitts
Engineering Michael T. Johnson
Fine Arts Rachel Shane
Health Sciences Karen Badger
Law Beau Steenken
Medicine Beth Garvey
Nursing Shaun Ketterman
Pharmacy Frank Romanelli
Public Health Paula Arnett
Social Work Jaime Wainscott
Martin / Patterson Schools Kristen Perry

Required Documentation for Appeal

All students are required to submit a personal statement which should explain:

  • Which criteria impacted their academic performance: serious illness, serious personal or family problem, serious financial difficulty, and/or permanent disability verified by DRC and diagnosed after the semester in question
  • Why the student did not withdraw during the semester
  • If applying for a partial withdrawal, why the criteria did not impact all courses
  • Communicate how the situation impacted performance

In addition to the required personal statement, students must also provide additional supporting documentation to support their reason for withdrawal.

Reason for Withdrawal Type of Documentation Accepted
Serious injury or illness A letter from a medical provider detailing that the medical issue you experienced during the semester from which you are requesting to withdraw impacted your academic performance during that semester and your ability to withdraw during that semester. Letter must be on official letterhead, dated, and signed by a certified/licensed professional who is qualified to diagnose the serious injury or illness. Documentation like prescriptions, medical test results, and/or after-care summaries are not considered to by sufficient documentation.
Serious personal or family problem

This type of documentation may vary. Examples may include:

  • A letter from UK's counseling center that explains a serious personal or family issue impacted your academic performance during the semester from which you are requesting to withdraw and your ability to withdraw during that semester.
  • Legal documents that pertain to a personal or family issue.
  • Other official documentation that illustrates that your academic performance was impacted by this issue during the semester you are requesting to withdraw from.
Serious financial difficulties

Documents that help explain financial hardship during the semester from which are you are requesting to withdraw such as:

  • W2s
  • Income statements
  • Bank statements
  • Current expenses such as rent or mortgage payment, utilities, etc.
  • Receipt of public assistance such as unemployment insurance, food benefits or EBT, etc.

The more pieces of documentation of this nature that you can provide to help illustrate your situation the better the committee will be able to understand your request.

Permanent disability verified by the Disability Resource Center (DRC) and diagnosed after the semester for which the withdrawal is requested Specific documentation is provided by the DRC to fulfill this criterion.

Submit an Appeal

This form is for any student who is withdrawing from a course (or courses) that you took in a previous semester.