If a course section has no available seats, a student may be able to add themselves to the waitlist through myUK. When another student drops the course the person in the first position of the waitlist will be automatically enrolled and all other students will move up one spot. Please note that not all classes permit waitlisting.
When you have moved to an enrolled status in a waitlisted course, the course status on your schedule will change from Waitlisted to BOOKED. If you Waitlist a course, be sure to check your schedule on myUK periodically to determine if your status for the course has changed. You are responsible for monitoring your status in this course.
You may remove yourself from the Waitlist prior to the first day of classes by using the DROP function in myUK. If you wish to be removed from the waitlist on the first day of classes or after, please email Registration@uky.edu so that we can remove you from the waitlist.
Faculty and staff should NOT drop students from the waitlist through myUK GPS on the first day of classes or after. If a student needs to be dropped from a waitlist or if you need a student to be added to the course from a waitlist, please email Registration@uky.edu.